Monday, June 1, 2015


miscellaneous parts of a letter

  • Monday, June 1, 2015
  • Kudhori
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  • miscellaneous parts of a letter | miscellaneous incoming letter | miscellaneous parts of a business letter | parts of a friendly letter | parts of a letter and their meanings | parts of a formal letter | parts of a personal letter | parts of an application letter | parts of a letter worksheet | parts of a letter for kids worksheets
    miscellaneous parts of a letter



    At some place, ...............

    Dear Rohan,

    Thank you for your letter dated 5mei 2014, asking for donations for your charity, .........................

    Unfortunately, this time we will not be able to contribute, as we have reached our limit for this year's charity fund.

    Be assured that the company ......................... commend all the work the charity and the charity will endure ............. ................... in mind for our next donation.

    I wish you continued success with your excellent cause.

    Best regards,

    A. N. Other
    account director

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