Monday, May 25, 2015


business authorization letter

  • Monday, May 25, 2015
  • Kudhori
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    business authorization letter

     Here is an example of the power of attorney for documents written claim or notice by the person submitting the responsibility of the recipient and are responsible for taking decisions related to the ownership of several properties.
    Date: 06-20-2012

    Name of the Person Issuing it
    To Whom It May Concern
    Re: Letter of Authorization
    Dear Sir / Madam,
    I, Martin Sahara, authorizes the brothers Rony Hamsah to take over the authority making the last salary arrears. He will be responsible for picking the last salary and official documents letter of work experience. because brother Rony is younger brother of my wife then I entrust this power to him.
    Dear company leaders beg for what is rightfully give me to someone who has given me the power to get you in the company of my property. We are to be processed properly because I have entrusted him to replace me. I could not attend because they have to go out of town to carry out my new job.
    Regards,(Signature)Marthin Sahara

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